Autopilot 3#
DISCLAIMER: our team did not solve this challenge during the live competition; we first solved it while preparing for this write-up.
import base64
import io
import numpy as np
import os
import requests
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
API_KEY = os.environ["API_KEY"]
def query(data, challenge="autopilot3"):
response =
URL_QUERY % challenge,
headers={ "X-API-Key": API_KEY },
json={ "data": data }
return response.json()
def submit(flag, challenge="autopilot3"):
response =
URL_FLAG % challenge,
headers={ "X-API-Key": API_KEY },
json={ "challenge": challenge, "flag": flag }
return False if response.status_code != 200 else response.json().get("correct")
def query_image(path, challenge):
image =
buff = io.BytesIO(), format="JPEG")
data = base64.b64encode(buff.getvalue()).decode()
return query(data, challenge=challenge)
Through experimentation we can determine that the model expects there to be exactly seven objects in the submitted image. The Autopilot 3 endpoint appears to return the difference between the predictions for some ideal image and the predictions for the submitted image. By submitting an image containing seven stop signs to both the Autopilot 1 and Autopilot 3 endpoints we can determine what kind of image we need to submit.
path_test = "./data/autopilot3_test.jpg"
preds_real = np.array(query_image(path_test, "autopilot1")["results"])
preds_diff = np.array([
for obj in query_image(path_test, "autopilot3")["distance"]
preds_flag = preds_real - preds_diff
image ="RGB", size=(1920, 1208), color="white")
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
for i, (x0, y0, x1, y1, conf, class_) in enumerate(preds_flag):
draw.rectangle((x0, y0, x1, y1), fill=None, outline="red", width=2)
draw.text((x0, y0 - 15), f"{int(class_)} (confidence order = {i})", fill="black")

The classes we need in our image, in order of most confident to least confident, are car
, airplane
, fire hydrant
, car
, cat
, banana
, bear
Through a lot of trial and error we were able to create the following image to get the flag.
path_flag = "./data/autopilot3_flag.jpg"

response = query_image(path_flag, "autopilot3")
print("Flag accepted:", submit(response["flag"]))
Flag accepted: True